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Foxymophandlmama 04-10-2009 10:34 PM

Im all for safety, but im also all for [B]common sense[/B], and this is where mining is going wrong, there are more accidents because [B]people are not forced to think for themselves,[/B] and some muppet in a safety office who rarely actually goes onsite gets to create this shit because the policy he brought out two months prior has made people not think for themselves some more and more people get hurt...[/QUOTE]

I think the issue is more so lent toward the fact that, even when forced to, there are many ppl with no common sense and that dont/cant think for themselves. The unfortunate reality is they have to protect even the morons.

Much the same reason that any normal person thinks its funny that a chainsaw comes with a warning not to operate while naked, but the chainsaw company has to protect themselves from the idiots that do try it, and then chop thier dick off, and then sue.

As has been said if they start setting areas for hard hat and areas for no hard hat it can get confusing for some, not able to keep track of when it can be off and when it has to be on. Its just easier to say right just wear it everywhere, better to be too safe than not safe enough.

[I 86 I] 04-10-2009 10:47 PM

[QUOTE=Denver;398780] but theres some outright clowns who shouldn't be alowed to use a butter knife, let alone a dump truck..[/QUOTE]

Quoted for the truth.

It is human nature, but if they 'make an example' by sacking someone, regardless if people think its a stupid rule, people will change their ways as they will click remembering how 'jonny' got fucked up for that stupid hardhat rule, so I better wear it.
I know exactly what your saying tho.
But after 10yrs in mining, I gotta say it works.

Altho, 10yrs ago we would sink piss every night, goto bed at 2am only to get back up at 5am and goto work hungover as fuck........we never had the amount of incidents that we do now with 10mil rules and procedures.

And with all these new projects starting again....the muppets are only gonna get worse :(

daveygravey 04-10-2009 10:49 PM

[QUOTE=Denver;398715]Having to wear it from the lunch room to the shithouse..[/QUOTE]

Most sites i have worked on require you to wear hard hat at all times apart from in offices toilets etc...

ImPreSiV 04-10-2009 11:00 PM

As I said, and as Kato etc have mentioned, they are just taking away the human involvement in being safe. If you have all the percautions in place, then people will stop thinking about safety, and, low and behold, another accident will happen, then what? People aren't allowed on site, only plant, and remote controlled equipment?

BHP is the worst for it.. but I guess they see it as 'you can never be too safe'

We have alot of issues complying to their safety standards, and I work for one of the largest engineering consultancy firms in the country, with a HUGE focus on safety etc.. and we are miles off BHP's standards.

I see it as, 'there is such a thing as being too safe' because now, people aren't thinking about their actions, they just assume, hey i have gloves, goggles and a hat on, i must be safe...

Voot 04-10-2009 11:40 PM

the question is, if its an open pit mine how close are the offices to the pit
ive been to some sites where the offices are sitting 50m away from the pit wall and yes
of course you have to wear a hard hat everytime you walk out from the building because of fly rock ect
but if the offices are a Km away then there should be a boundary or something

all i know underground is the way to go haha

dtrally 05-10-2009 12:41 AM

In a few years time just to take a shit you'll need a confined space permit, hazardous gas test, gloves, hard hat and probably a breathing aparatus!

scary 05-10-2009 09:15 AM

Denver come work in commercial construction wher you wear a hard hat INSIDE the building with 10 floors of concrete above you. It is one size fits all - and seriously from a managment point of view if you came to me with a milion arguments of why you don't need to wear a hard hat between the mess and shitter I would tell you that 's the rules buddy like it or don't there are a million other guys looking for work.

What may seem stupid on the face of it normally has some merit. Put it in a different aspect, what would you be saying if some muppett was working on the roof of the mess and didn't set up an exclusion zone and you walked out without the helmet on as he dropped a crescent on your head? It might not be a rule to protect you from yourself it is more to protect you from someone else's stupidity.

astralex 05-10-2009 09:20 AM

[QUOTE=Voot;398796]the question is, if its an open pit mine how close are the offices to the pit
ive been to some sites where the offices are sitting 50m away from the pit wall and yes
of course you have to wear a hard hat everytime you walk out from the building because of fly rock ect
but if the offices are a Km away then there should be a boundary or something

Are you aware how much of a pain in the ass it is to write rules on safety gear when you try and break it all down into sectors? 'Hardhats must be worn anywhere outside of a 50m radius from all buildings, structures, vehicles..blah blah' it goes on and on. While you might whinge about the fact you have to wear a hard hat when you step out of any structure, you don't walk out and forget to later put it on.

And more to the point, it's a stack hat, not a biosuit or anything even remotely difficult to put on. So why be difficult, it's no worse than plonking a hat on your head. Just put it on and deal with it.

Elrico 05-10-2009 09:46 AM

[QUOTE=norwest_rumbler;398771]they also drug tested the whole office lol, ive never had that on a project before[/QUOTE]

Unlucky, we used to have a thing called 'Powerball'. Was a bucket of pingpong balls that you could not see into and you drew out white balls for nothing, orange ball for drug/alco. Hurtenstien will know what im talking about......its good fun considering its a pretty invasive proceedure. Everyone would sit there going "wwwooooooooooooo...... *point @ victim* AHHAHAHAHA DRUGTEST!"

SKYHIONPSI 05-10-2009 09:49 AM

I would still wear one even if i was standing 100m from a drill rig in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere. Anything could happen and its better to be safe than sorry, and also retain your job...

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