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Boosted 05-10-2009 12:53 PM

lol i work for P.I and only have to wear a hard hat in the plant everywhere else is free game. A few of the guys on the shut crew who go to different sites keep telling me how stupid some of the rules are getting.

elemist 05-10-2009 01:44 PM

speaking of OHS going wrong, place i previously worked at implemented a policy stating all employees had to reverse park. The reasoning given was people are more alert in the morning than in the afternoon, thus more likely to have an accident reversing out of a bay in the afternoon.

It was absolute mayhem in the mornings watching people who had probably never reversed a car since they took there learners trying to back into a bay.

My logic was this, if people are to tired in the afternoon to be able to safely reverse a car out a parking spot, what the hell are they doing driving on our roads!! (or going to a shopping centre after work and reversing out of parking bays)

leighg 05-10-2009 01:56 PM

end of the day you dont like the rules then you shouldnt be in mining or find a more relaxed

i'm in OHS in mining and have been for a few years, all the sites i've been on both underground and surface sites. the common theme is when not in the admin area or not inside machine or vehicle hard hat on. now the rule isnt there because we want to be wankers or make it hard on you, but its to protect you from any chance of something happening. not to say there is a high risk of it occuring around the office but in the site risk assessment there would be something in there to highlight the need to have hard hat everywhere on site. plus if you start making areas hard hat free people start getting relaxed and pushing the limits and think they can get away with it somewhere where there is a high risk.

Darren 05-10-2009 05:38 PM

I'll throw another slant on this discussion - You cannot measure nor report on common sense. You cannot improve common sense and definitely cannot discriminate on whether someone gains employment because he "seems" to lack common sense. In the world of continual improvement, if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.

As once was said to me by a safety manager - we cannot accept human error because it is our job to engineer out the possibility of that error in the first place. Is it being silly - I believe so in "some" respects. Problem is, it is neigh on impossible to write rules and regs around "some" people and not others. When I've been to several sites, the rule was safety glasses when outdoors and hardhat on when outside of a building unless signed. I thought it was reasonable.

phizzle 05-10-2009 07:16 PM

[QUOTE=Voot;398796]then there should be a boundary or something[/QUOTE]
There is, it's called an Active Mining Area and will be signed as such.

Denver 05-10-2009 10:19 PM

[QUOTE=phizzle;398942]There is, it's called an Active Mining Area and will be signed as such.[/QUOTE]

Bingo, this is what the piss off for people is, the lunch room area was considered a non mining area, so should, and was, be exempt of the helmet rule, no ones been hurt, and it seems like ass covering for no reason.

Which is why i was asking what the various polices where for the different companies out there, as its the first time ive encountered it..

Im happy to follow safety, but like i said before, some of it just seems so out of left field, and invented for no reason in particular, that you gotta question it..

and the reality is, what difference is the risk, of not having a stack hat on at the lunch room, compared to around the camp, in reality the risk levels should be the same..

so how long is it till you have to wear one while doing your laundry i wonder..

Foxymophandlmama 06-10-2009 10:21 AM

and the reality is, what difference is the risk, of not having a stack hat on at the lunch room, compared to around the camp, in reality the risk levels should be the same..

so how long is it till you have to wear one while doing your laundry i wonder..[/QUOTE]

Yeh ...nah. Thats like saying its as safe at a work lunch room as it is at home. Thats incorrect, I know its a lunch room but its on site and work is going on around you so its not the same thing.

Bottom line is, its a hat, is it really that big of a deal?

phizzle 06-10-2009 07:06 PM

It is far more dangerous going to and from work than it is while you are at work (open cut mining).

I remember all the stories from the old mates that there never used to be terms like safety bund etc etc. One guy, 60 years old George at Gingin told me how one day he was asked to "sort out" the batters. So he got a grader, put a chain on it and connected it to a bigger loader. The loader drove along the top of the wall stopping the grader from tipping over while he was grading a 30 degree batter!!! Farkin epic, try that shit nowadays LOL.

B4GT 06-10-2009 07:37 PM

[QUOTE=Denver;398715]Having to wear it from the lunch room to the shithouse..[/QUOTE]

Hope your wearing your safety glasses too. Sounds like John holland nazis.

B4GT 06-10-2009 07:39 PM

[QUOTE=SKYHIONPSI;398845]I would still wear one even if i was standing 100m from a drill rig in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere. Anything could happen and its better to be safe than sorry, and also retain your job...[/QUOTE]

hehe if a projectile can make it 100m and still hit you in the head, i dont think your plastic hard hat will do much.

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